GREENTEETH LABYRINTH - Faith and Spirituality.

The Greenteeth Gang are a rather irreligious organisation, we believe that gods, like laws are created by humans and only nature can reveal the truth. Having said that, there are many ways to the truth and we would not deny that Christianity, Islam, Judaeism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism and all the other religions, once stripped of dogma, offer something to people whose personalities incline them towards communal worship and ritual. Buddhism BTW is excluded from the list as it is not a religion but a belief system. Wander through the writing of followers of various faiths, belief systems and traditions and maybe feel inspired to explore your own spirituality. You will find no preaching here, while all are welcome to submit to us their point of view, any work that tries to suggest one faith has the right understanding of life, the universe and everything while all the others are wrong will be rejected.

‘There lives more faith in honest doubt, believe me, than in half the creeds.’

from In Memoriam by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
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MENU - FAITH & SPIRITUALITY Pagans Are back And The North Is Magic

Suddenly paganism is back in fashion. But what do these ancient, nature worshipping belief systems have to offer people in modern society? Well maybe it's the nudity and sex. Or maybe there is a bit more to it all.
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What A Pagan Believes
So many people misunderstand what it means to be pagan, some deliberately because they are determined to decry every faith, religion or belief system except their own, some because their only information on pagan beliefs come from films like The Wicker Man and some because they like the idea of being slightly sinister and edgy. They are all wrong of course. So what does a pagan believe.
CLICK HERE to read What a Pagan Believes

The Tale Of The Easter Bunny
Greenteeth is a rather irreligious organisation, we believe that gods, like laws are created by humans and only nature can reveal the truth. Having said that, there are many ways to the truth and we would not deny that Christianity, Islam, Judaeism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism and all the other religions, one stripped of dogma to offer something to people whose personalities incline them towards ritual...
Not long ago a news item appeared about the removal of the Easter Bunny from schools and public buildings as it may offend non - Christians. There were the usual blustering about political correctness gone mad and some preachers ranted about how the authorities are biased against Christianity and are trying to meddle with the most sacred Christian festival. Us pagans must just swallow our chagrin and stand by, helpless onlookers, as OUR festival of the Goddess Ostara (aka Oester), OUR Easter Bunny and OUR Easter Eggs and OUR resurrection myths are hijacked.

Christians have never understood their own religion...CLICK HERE to read full post The Tale Of TheEaster Bunny

Many Chistian writers have, in response to the resurgence of paganism, claimed that though the origins of Christmas, Whitsun, Halloween, Mardi Gras and Harvest Festival can be linbked to pagan festivities at the same time of year, Easter is truly and uniquely Christian. They are wrong of course, the festival of Oestara, Goddess of the Rising Corn is probably the most pagan of the whole lot. Here Ian Thorpe explains the symbolism of the Easter symbols, eggs, bunnies, crucifixes and the rest.

Birth of a God
Talents for Motivation
(Parable of the Talents retold)

The Parable of The Talents in the New Testament is usually interpreted as an exhortation to work hard abd be thrifty. But most of The Bible's parables have their counterpart in the pagan traditions of Africa, Asia, Europe and India and when read in conjunction with those traditional morality tales, The Talents takes on a rather different aspect.

SPECIAL FEATURE: God's Blog - the weblog of Dagda the chief god in the Ancient irish pantheon.
[ #1 What's in a name Dagda reflects on holy and unspeakable names]
[ Sheep and Goats #1 ] A little philosophy on the nature of sheep and goats.